Going On in The Lord 11/21/2007
John 8:30-32 30 As he spake these words, many believed on him. 31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; 32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
The following is a list of the characteristics of people who profess to be Christians. The list #1 is characteristics of one who goes on in the Lord (True Christian). The 2 list is characteristics of one who goes backward and eventually will fall away from the Lord (False Christian). Use this list on a regular basis to evaluate your life in light of the scriptures.
1 Has a reverential fear of God. (Prov.28:14, Psl.147:11)
2 Has NO fear of God.
1 Values his deep personal relationship with God.
2 Does not have a real personal relationship to God.
1 Has a long term vision of his life in the lord.
2 Has No vision. or little vision.
1 Practices what he learns.
2 Hears, sees, doesn't really learn, take no Acton.
1 Listens to and responds to the Holy Spirit.
2 Listens to and responds to his own spirit flesh
1 Strives in all things to please God.
2 Cares only about pleasing himself.
1 Puts others first.
2 Puts self first.
1 God is center of his life.
2 He is center of his life.
1 Attitude is "I love you". (Jn.13:34)
2 Listens to and heeds most or all spirits.
1 Is free in the Lord. (Gal.5:13)
2 Is in bondage to this world.
1 Lives a Holy Spirit led life.
2 Is free wheeling, out of control.
1 Works with conviction.
2 Works with condemnation.
1Is morally pure.
2 Has variable morality.
1 Is constantly changing, becoming holy.
2/Unchanging, staying carnal.
1Walks in and brings peace.
2 Walks in and brings strife.
1 Crucifies (kills) his flesh daily.Gal.5:24
2 Exhalts (satisfies) his flesh daily.
1 Is a redemptive person.
2 Is a condemnative person.
1 Restores.
2 Destroys.
1 Examines self daily in light of Scripture.
2 Has no need to examine self,I'ok
1 Prays regularly.
2 Seldom prays.
1 Studies Scripture regularly.
2 Seldom or never studies Scripture.
1 Is righteous through the Blood of Jesus.
2 Is self righteous.
2 Sows to the Spirit. (Gal.6:8)
2 Sows to the flesh.
1 Wants to be a blessing to others.
2 Wants others to bless him.
1 Is concerned about inner change.
2 Is concerned about outer appearances.
1 Is a giver. (Gal.6:10)
2 Is a taker.
1 Knows God is his source for all.
2 I can do it all.
1 Has a circumsized heart.
2 Has an uncircumsized heart.
1 Is longsuffering.
2 Is impatient.
1 Understands need for authority.
2 Hates authority.
1 Desires proper leadership.
2 Detests all leadership.
1 Submits to proper authority.
2 Usurps authority.
1 Is fruitful, produces good fruit.
2 Fruitless or produces bad fruit. (Gal.5:19-21)
1 Is humble. (Prov.29:23)
2 Is proud.
1 Is just. (Prov.29:27)
2 Is unjust.
1 Is satisfied with God's provision.
2 Is never satisfied. Is greedy.
This is only a short partial list, you can add much to this list.
Come study with us. Dillard&Iris Munsell Wed. 6:30 PM dillmunsell@yahoo.com