Her experience with God. 4/8/2008
I always believed in Jesus and I have prayed all my life, My parents believed. They taught us about Jesus. In my younger years, I remember me having bad dreams that something bad was after me trying to catch me and it would scare me and would wake up crying, and couldn't go back to sleep. My sister Jane would tell me to say the Lords prayer out loud so the devil could hear, she said that God could hear my prayer, but you had to pray out loud for the Devil to hear, of course she was 3 years older than me. I listen to her, Our father who our in heaven Hallow be thy name, And I would pray the prayer out loud, and I found that the devil didn't like Gods name "JESUS" he would run from Gods name. And my Jesus could hear to. I would fall right of to sleep, so I would say the Lords prayer every night after that, and really still do and a little more now.
We all have Sin, we were born in sin, and have sin in some way or other. We are human, but we are in his likeness. I didn't know that you had to pray for repentance. Maybe I had heard it before, but didn't really know what it meant untill I was older. I read the Bible, but I didn't really understand it. I tried to, but it was hard to understand, until I started to pray for the understanding of Gods word. Then a little at a time I started understanding what God was saying in his word. I started to understand that if you don't repent of your sins and ask God for forgiveness, "that God can't". You have to ask, if you don't ask and have the faith in your heart. How can he forgive? If you had enough faith that he would forgive you, you would ask, "Yes", God knows all but he wants you to love him enough to ask. Off course not for stuff that you don't really need, but forgiveness and His Love And Health.
All he wants is your Love. Will not do any good if you don't Love him and ask for his forgiveness, and he knows in your heart when you really don't mean it. You have to keep praying until there is no doubt in your mind and heart that you love him. I really believe that. Some people might say, but I have prayed all my life and he hadn't done any thing for me. Was your heart true when you prayed, did you really believe that he loves you, did your give him your heart & soul, did you tell him God do with me as your will would want of me? Did you tell him that you would never forsake him, that you are his soldier for his word, would you die for him? That is true love! I think God understands that you make mistakes in life/
Like I said we are only human, but you fix those mistakes and ask Gods forgiveness, and don't do them again. God forgives and he loves you, but it takes a part from you to do the right thing. He knows everything in your mind when you think bad things and you say things that are not true, "GOD KNOWS ALL." Don't ever kid yourself in believing that he dosen't. Its not only the big things you do, but all things, all the little things in your heart that you think no one knows about, but God knows all things. My heart hurts about things that I thought didn't mean anything to most people, but to God they were big things. I notice when I ask God for forgiveness of my sins that things later would pop into my head. Did you ask forgiveness for this, "that I hadn't thought of in years". When you start he won't let you forget them. Then you should ask forgiveness for that. Some of these things wouldn't mean any thing to most people. But I ask for forgiveness. It must have been things that would keep me from going forward in what he wanted of me.Well, enough about that, I have been sick since about 40 years old with arthritis, in time it progressed down my spine and in my knees and shoulders. It was just moving all over, as anyone knows who has arthritis. I was having to get shots in my spine for pain. It would move from place to place. So each time I would have to put it in a different spot beside my spine. Sometimes in my lower back, others in my upper back. I was having a lot of pain. It was very hard to keep from showing it. I would try to hide it from John, my husband, but he could tell.Seems like I couldn't get away from the pain. The Dr. gave me pain med.'s, but it didn't help much. The shots; help for a little while, but not for long. Then I found out I had Sleep apnea. They said I stopped breathing 27 times in an hour for 45 seconds at a time. When I went to the Dr. after the sleep test, he said that it could have been sudden death. I was very weak and couldn't think, my memory was very bad. It really scared me, I thought I was losing my mind. I knew things but couldn't express myself. I would sleep all the time. My husband would try to wake me, I could hear him and I would scream at him in my mind, wake me up I can't breath! But I couldn't move. Finally he would wake me. I told him that I heard him but I couldn't move or talk.Any time I did that again, I told him to shake me or anything to wake me up. I told my Dr. that I felt I was dying a little at a time. Then I found out I had Diabetes type 2, then my sugar level got to "450" and I was so weak, I looked like a whale! I thought I was really fat. The Dr. put me on a breather for my sleep apnea and my memory started coming back and lost 15 pounds, but look like I lost 50 pounds. Most of it was swelling. I really thought I wasn't going to be here much longer. I felt bad all the time.I was praying all this time, praying for my children, praying for my sister, and brothers, my dad, husband Uncles & aunts everyone I thought needed help from God, but didn't never think to pray for myself. I didn't think I deserved prayer or something, I don't really know why?I always watched preaching on TV every morning, Joyce Myers, Cerfo Dollar, and John Hagee. They are very good. But that day, it wasn't on so I change the station, and this lady preacher and it was my time that God had for me. Cause she was praying to straighten what was crooked in the spine, I was sitting on my love seat at the edge, I had been hurting that morning a lot and couldn't get any peace from it.
I felt God told me to pray with her. I did and God came upon me and I felt fingers pressing on the lower part of my spine moving up on each side of my spine. I was surprised and sat there with my mouth open "Oh My God"!! what's happening, but the fingers went all the way up my back. Here I am sitting all alone and fingers going up my back. After that I didn't say any thing, because I thought everyone would think I was crazy for sure. But later I notice my back wasn't hurting. Two weeks later I went to the Dr. He was going to put the shot cortisone into my shoulders, because they had frozen up and was hurting me pretty bad. He ask me how my back was doing, and told him it hasn't been hurting and he said, "thank God for that, and it went all though me," what he didn't know it was God that did it. and I thank GOD every day for God healing my pain.
Then I was sitting in my recliner one day about a month after all this. I fell asleep watching TV, it seem so real, that I was on the ground all of a sudden. I was being lifted up floating, my feet was coming "off" the ground. I remember trying to keep my toes to stay down to touch the ground, but I couldn't. I kept going up "floating up," then I could see blue skies I floated up in the sky and there I floated in front of a being, that looked like an angel, but not like in books are pictures that I have seen. I remember it was like it was speaking though my mind, that it wasn't male or female. I must have been thinking what is this? It was a bright light, but it didn't blind me. I couldn't see a face it was all light. It would have blinded me if it been on earth. It was so peaceful and like a love there that I didn't want to leave. It was blue all around the angel, It didn't say anything and neither did I. I floated right in front of it, seem to be about a foot away from it. I felt it gave me something, but don't no what maybe a blessing and all of a sudden I started floating back down. I didn't want to! I came down and my toes touched the ground and I woke up. Like a dream, but it was real to me.And a little at a time my shoulder pain eased up and now don't hurt at all, I have so much more peace sense then. I don't hurt like before I didn't touch a cigarette for 30 days am a different person today, I think God has touched my life & soul. And he has a place for me in heaven. We all have the destiny to make and only we can do it. All we have to do is ask, until we ask and mean it in our hearts he will give, but until you ask. What does it say in his words? Ask and you shall receive. GOD BLESS YOU ALL
Linda Selman Smile, Jesus Loves YouLinda Selman dillmunsell@yahoo.com
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