True Faith - False faith My church RFC 1/14 / 2007 Sunday David E. Gunn
Have you been to the Dr. lately? Why did you go? Maybe you just wanted to make sure everything was ok. The Apostle Paul tells us that we should examine ourselves to see if we are ok Spiritual, and guess what we are qualified to do the examination. We start by making sure our faith is the right kind of faith.
2nd Corinthians 13:5 Paul said, examine yourselves, whether ye be in (The faith) / Prove your own selves, Know you not, that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be a reprobate.
# 1-How many here this morning know and can prove that your faith is a true and saving faith?
# 2- What would you look for in your self to know that you were in the True Faith?
# 3- Is it possible to have faith and it not be the True Faith?
True faith is evidenced in who we are, and what we do.
We must know the real before we can know the false.
(The Faith) is not a Denomination, it is defined in Heb 11:1 as (Substance & Evidence) It is described as something rock solid, like( God’s presence now, as substance) and the conviction of a future life as evidence. True faith is a faith that believes, relies on, and trust upon Jesus Christ alone for salvation) in all circumstances of life. In trouble, in trials, in difficulties faith says through Christ I cannot fail!!
True Faith says God's plan for our salvation is the only plan.
The bible reveals in a number of places that there is a faith that will not result in your Salvation. The bibles warns us against that kind of faith. True faith will join us to Christ Jesus for all eternity. Faith in faith will get us nowhere!! only Faith in Christ, He is the object of our faith.
Heb 12:2 Jesus The author who starts and finishes our faith.
Rom 5:1 True faith Justifies us. I believe in our world there is a perversion of this doctrine of faith. Lots of preachers seldom preach about (none saving faith) which is dangerous because of it’s eternal consequences.
We must distinguish between Justifying faith that saves and false belief that does not save.
Example = Some preachers say Just say these words and believe and you will be saved, (True), BUT it must be clarified. To believe implies trust, to entrust one’s spiritual well being to Christ Jesus, commit to trust, put in trust with.
# 1 Devils believe and tremble James 2:19 but they’re not saved. No commitment to God
# 2 Temporarily faith = Luke 8:13 People believe for a while ,when trials come they fall away.
Dr. Adrian Rogers says faith that fizzles before the finish was faulty from the start.
# 3 Believed in vain = 1Cor 15:2 If you don’t keep my sayings you have believed in vain..
# 4 Dead faith = James 2:20 will thou know, O vain man, faith without works is dead?
You can’t separate being born again or Regeneration from it’s effect. A changed life. Faith is the condition of Regeneration.
2nd Cor 5:17 You can’t be in Christ /saved without it bringing a change. Old things gone all things new.
# 1- John 3:3 except a man be (born again / Regeneration) he can’t see perceive, understand God's Kingdom. John 3:5 cannot (enter) the kingdom He can not come to Christ
John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him:
The renewed heart and mind; must act according to their nature.
It loves and Desires God, Loves his word, obeys his commandments.
Joh 8:51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.
Faith is not believing in spite of the evidence, but it’s obeying in spite of the consequences.
false faith
#1a - Wants benefits of the cross without bowing the knee to Christ’s rule.
b - like the prodigal son who wanted his father's goods but not his father's rule.
c - They want to go to heaven, but not by the narrow way.
#2 - Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King.
a - They want Christ only as a Priest to pardon and give peace.
b - Not as a Prophet to instruct them in the narrow way.
c - Not as King to rule over them.
#3 - Has no close relationship with Christ or his word. Don’t even want a bible conversation.
a - Does not want the inconveniences that goes with following Jesus. Persecution.
b - It may cost you everything to be a Christian, yet eternal life is a free gift.
#4 - False believer's heart is not changed, and, therefore, his faith is not operative.
a - Acts 15:8, 9 True faith is operative, purifying the heart.
b - True Faith is tried by obedience, By faith Abraham, when he was called obeyed.
c - Just As it is impossible to please God without faith, so it is impossible not to desire to please God with faith.
Conclusion : Make sure you are in (The Faith) http://1amimybrotherskeeper.blogspot.com
To contact David Gunn email dillmunsell@yahoo.com
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