The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. (JOH 10:10-11).
Now, our blessed Saviour came to fulfill all that was prophesied of Him. He said in LUKE 24:44, "And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me."
What we need to see and to understand that all of the things that came upon our blessed Saviour-all of these things where He was called Beelezebub, despised and rejected of men-were things written of Him.
John 10:11 Jesus the good Shepherd, A good Shepherd smells like his sheep!!
The Good Shepherd gives his life for the sheep.
The Blood of the Shepherd- The Cross of the Shepherd -is Our Salvation.
Romans Chapters 1-8 deals with two aspects of our Salvation
The value of Christ Blood - The greatness of the Cross
#1- Blood
Rom 3:25 the Blood gives remission of (sins / Plural) 1st John 1:9 it cleanses from all sins.
Rom 5:10 we are reconciled to God by his blood but we are saved by his life.
The Blood deals with the work of Christ in our justification through the remission of sins.
#2- Cross
The Cross gives deliverance from the Sin that made us sin = (the old man / sin nature)
Rom 6:6 Knowing this, that our (old man is crucified) with him, that the body of sin. might be destroyed. The work of Christ that is represented by the cross is our union with Christ’s suffering, the death, we died, was burial, and rose, and set with him that identifies us with him.
A- The Blood deals with what we have done. (Sinned) and come short of the glory of God. Rom3:23
a - So the Blood gets rid of our sins. Washes, cleanses white as snow.
b- Heb 9:15 Jesus by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions.
B- The cross deals with what we are. (Sinners by nature)
b - The Cross strakes a death blow to what makes us Sin. (Our nature). Now dead!!!!!
C- To know the true value of the Blood of Christ I must understand the value that God puts on it.
a- The Blood is for atonement and has to do with our Standing and Justification before God. We need forgiveness for sins or we will come into Judgment, so they are forgiven not because God overlooks them, but because he sees (The Blood).
D- Lev.16: Day of Atonement - The Blood benefitted man but it satisfied God.
a- The Blood was first and foremost for God. Exodus 12:23 When I see the blood.
b- The sin offering was offered publicly in the court of the Tabernacle for all to see, but the High priest alone was the only one that could go into the most Holy place with the Blood and sprinkle it upon the Mercy seat to atone for the sins of Himself and also for the people. He did the work! He was a type of Christ Jesus.
c- The going into the Most Holy Place was to present the blood to God!!
d- The Blood was what God required, the only thing acceptable, and something he was satisfied with.
e - Value # 1 Blood (satisfied God) AMEN
Value # 2 (benefitted man)
Value #3 (overcomes the accuser)
Heb 9:12 Jesus offered his own blood (Peter says precious blood) (one time) for (all time), He offered it to God to redeem us, to sprinkled our conscience from evil, He forgave us, He cleanses us, it satisfies us. Do you feel Clean by the word of God? It washes.
David Gunn dgunn@brtc.net Email him.
Three Blogs for us, study them all and you will learn about life forever.
http://indianstufffamily.blogspot.com Dillard Munsell dillmunsell@yahoo.com
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